Monday, 7 March 2022
09:00 - 09:05 (UTC+1) Welcome
Chair: Subadheep Banik
Quantum impossible differential attacks: Applications to AES and SKINNY
Nicolas David, María Naya-Plasencia and André Schrottenloher
On the hardness of monomial prediction and zero-sum distinguishers for Ascon
Pranjal Dutta, Mahesh Rajasree and Santanu Sarkar
On the Algebraic Degree of Iterated Power Functions
Clémence Bouvier, Anne Canteaut and Leo Perrin
Chair: Jens Zumbrägel
Analysis of a Public-Key Encryption Scheme based on distorted Gabidulin codes
Pierre Loidreau
An analysis of Coggia-Couvreur Attack on Loidreau’s Rank-metric public-key encryption scheme in the general case
Pierre Loidreau and Ba Duc Pham
On the (In)security of optimized Stern-like signature schemes
André Chailloux
14:00 - 14:45 (UTC+1): Discussions in breakout rooms
Chair: Léo Perrin
Quantum Safe Symmetric Cryptography
María Naya-Plasencia
During this talk we will introduce the context and summarize the state-of-the-art of the main quantum symmetric cryptanalysis results, providing the details of some particularly interesting cases. We will also present the scenario of some related open problems that are yet to be solved or improved.
Chair: Antoine Joux
Exploiting ROLLO’s Constant-Time Implementations with a Single-Trace Analysis
Agathe Cheriere, Lina Mortajine, Tania Richmond and Nadia El Mrabet
Analysis of Communication Channels Related to Physical Unclonable Functions
Georg Maringer, Marvin Xhemrishi, Sven Puchinger, Kathrin Garb, Hedongliang Liu, Thomas Jerkovits, Ludwig Kürzinger, Matthias Hiller and Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Estimating the Strength of Horizontal Correlation Attacks in the Hamming Weight Leakage Model: A Side-Channel Analysis on HQC KEM
Guillaume Goy, Antoine Loiseau and Philippe Gaborit
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
09:00 - 09:05 (UTC+1) Rostock Impressions
Chair: Alfred Wassermann
Classification of Extremal Type II Z4-codes of Length 24
Rowena Alma Betty and Akihiro Munemasa
Dense packings via lifts of codes to division rings
Nihar Gargava and Vlad Serban
On ZpZp2 -linear generalized Hadamard codes
Dipak Kumar Bhunia, Cristina Fernàndez-Còrdoba and Mercè Villanueva
On some batch code properties of the simplex code
Henk D.L. Hollmann, Karan Khathuria, Ago-Erik Riet and Vitaly Skachek
Chair: Elisa Gorla
Efficient multivariate low-degree tests via interactive oracle proofs of proximity for polynomial codes
Daniel Augot, Sarah Bordage and Jade Nardi
Interactive Oracle Proofs of Proximity to Algebraic Geometry Codes
Sarah Bordage and Jade Nardi
On the dimension and structure of the square of the dual of alternant codes and Goppa codes
Rocco Mora and Jean-Pierre Tillich
On Subfield Subcodes Obtained from Restricted Evaluation Codes
Cem Güneri, Ferruh Özbudak and Selcen Sayıcı
14:00 - 14:45 (UTC+1): Discussions in breakout rooms
Chair: Jean-Pierre Tillich
Algebraic Quantum Codes
Markus Grassl
The talk will discuss connections between quantum error-correcting codes (QECCs) and algebraic coding theory. A quantum error-correcting code is a subspace of a complex Hilbert space that allows to protect quantum information against certain errors. Using the so-called stabilizer formalism, we illustrate how QECCs can be constructed using techniques from algebraic coding theory. We will also present some open problems in classical coding theory that are motivated by the link to quantum error-correcting codes.
The talk will also briefly introduce relevant concepts of quantum mechanics.
Chair: Anton Betten
A new family of quantum codes from duadic codes
Reza Dastbasteh and Petr Lisonek
Cryptographic Group and Semigroup Actions
Oliver W. Gnilke and Jens Zumbrägel
Analysis and Computation of Multidimensional Linear Complexity of Periodic Arrays
Rafael Arce, Carlos Hernández, Jose Ortiz-Ubarri, Ivelisse Rubio and Jaziel Torres
Solutions to the Conjugacy Search Problem in Various Platform Groups
Simran Tinani, Carlo Matteotti and Joachim Rosenthal
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
09:00 - 09:05 (UTC+1) Rostock Impressions
Chair: Ferruh Özbudak
Efficient Decoding of Folded Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes in the Sum-Rank Metric
Felicitas Hörmann and Hannes Bartz
Quadratic-Curve-Lifted Reed-Solomon Codes
Hedongliang Liu, Lukas Holzbaur, Nikita Polyanskii, Sven Puchinger and Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Maximum Sum-Rank Distance Codes over Finite Chain Rings
Umberto Martinez-Peñas and Sven Puchinger
14:00 - 14:45 (UTC+1): Discussions in breakout rooms
Chair: Gohar Kyureghyan
List-decoding for Reed-Solomon codes
Lisa Sauermann
Reed-Solomon codes are an important and intensively studied class of error-correcting codes. After giving some background, this talk will discuss the so-called list-decoding problem for Reed-Solomon codes. More specifically, we prove that for any fixed list-decoding parameters, there exist Reed-Solomon codes with a certain rate, which is optimal up to a constant factor. This in particular answers a question of Guo, Li, Shangguan, Tamo, and Wootters about list-decodability of Reed-Solomon codes with radius close to 1.
Joint work with Asaf Ferber and Matthew Kwan.
Chair: Felix Ulmer
On partially APN functions
Nurdagül Anbar, Tekgül Kalaycı and Alev Topuzoğlu
A note on exceptional APN functions of Gold and Kasami-Welch type
Nurdagül Anbar, Tekgül Kalaycı and Nihal Yurdakul
Classification of all DO planar polynomials with prime field coefficients over F_(3n) for n≤7
Diana Davidova and Nikolay Kaleyski
Counting the number of non-isotopic semifields inside some known semifield families
Faruk Göloglu and Lukas Kölsch
Thursday, 10 March 2022
09:00 - 09:05 (UTC+1) Rostock Impressions
Chair: Subhamoy Maitra
Chair: Faina Solov'eva
Hybrid Elementary Linear Subspace codes
Ermes Franch and Chunlei Li
Right-hand side decoding of Gabidulin codes and applications
Maxime Bombar and Alain Couvreur
The Curious Case of the Diamond Network
Allison Beemer and Alberto Ravagnani
Hardness estimates of the Code Equivalence Problem in the Rank Metric
Krijn Reijnders, Simona Samardjiska and Monika Trimoska
14:00 - 14:45 (UTC+1): Discussions in breakout rooms
Chair: Alexander Pott
Function-correcting codes
Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Motivated by applications in machine learning and archival data storage, we introduce function-correcting codes, a new class of codes designed to protect a function evaluation of the data against errors. We show that function-correcting codes are equivalent to irregular-distance codes, i.e., codes that obey some given distance requirement between each pair of codewords. Using these connections, we study irregular-distance codes and derive general upper and lower bounds on their optimal redundancy. Since these bounds heavily depend on the specific function, we provide simplified, suboptimal bounds that are easier to evaluate. We further employ our general results to specific functions of interest and compare our results to standard error-correcting codes which protect the whole data.
This is a joint work with Andreas Lenz, Rawad Bitar, and Eitan Yaakobi.
Chair: Pierre Loidreau
On a family of MRD codes with parameters [n×n,2n,n−1]q, n even
Olga Polverino, Marco Timpanella, Giovanni Zini and Ferdinando Zullo
The Proportion of (Non-)Linear MRD Codes
Anina Gruica and Alberto Ravagnani
Antipodal two-weight rank-metric codes
Rakhi Pratihar and Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa
High-rate storage codes on triangle-free graphs
Alexander Barg and Gilles Zémor
Friday, 11 March 2022
09:00 - 09:05 (UTC+1) Rostock Impressions
Chair: Anne Canteaut
An asymptotic lower bound on the number of bent functions
Vladimir Potapov, Anna Taranenko and Yuriy Tarannikov
On Boolean Functions with Low Polynomial Degree and Higher Order Sensitivity
Subhamoy Maitra, Chandra Sekhar Mukherjee, Pantelimon Stanica and Deng Tang
A Modified Patterson-Wiedemann Construction Having Nonlinearity Greater Than Bent Concatenation Bound
Selçuk Kavut
Introducing Nega-Forrelation: Quantum Algorithms in Analyzing Nega-Hadamard and Nega-crosscorrelation Spectra
Suman Dutta and Subhamoy Maitra
Chair: Maria Montanucci
Secure Private and Adaptive Matrix Multiplication Beyond the Singleton Bound
Christoph Hofmeister, Rawad Bitar, Marvin Xhemrishi and Antonia Wachter Zeh
Constructing irreducible polynomials recursively with a reverse composition method
Anna-Maurin Graner and Gohar Kyureghyan
Multiplication in finite fields with Chudnovsky-type algorithms over the projective line
Stéphane Ballet, Alexis Bonnecaze and Bastien Pacifico
14:00 - 14:45 (UTC+1): Discussions in breakout rooms
Chair: Alev Topuzoglu
Biprojectivity in cryptographic functions and related algebraic structures
Faruk Göloglu
In this talk, we will consider biprojective nonlinear functions, permutations, and semifields. Biprojective functions can be viewed as bivariate functions over a two dimensional extension of a finite field K that exploit nice properties of projective polynomials over K in two variables. Projective polynomials over finite fields have found many applications in cryptography, coding theory and combinatorics with a renewed interest in recent years. Biprojective functions were recently employed to exhibit large numbers of combinatorially and cryptographically interesting objects. We will explain construction and enumeration methods for biprojective structures and methods to determine "inequivalence" between them.
The talk is mostly on the material from our recent joint works with Lukas Kölsch.
Chair: Petr Lisonek
On Constructions of Binary Locally Repairable Codes with Locality Two and Multiple Repair Alternatives via Autocorrelation Spectra of Boolean Functions
Deng Tang, Jian Liu and Sihem Mesnager
Vectorial Boolean Functions with the Maximum Number of Bent Components outside the M#class
Amar Bapić, Enes Pasalic, Alexandr Polujan and Alexander Pott
C-differential uniformity for functions constructed via the Maiorana-McFarland bent function
Pantelimon Stanica
17:15 (UTC+1) Closing